
Take Action Now!
Election rules will restrict us from helping you save in:

Your financial support is key to helping us challenge the status quo and create a brighter future.
Votre soutien financier est essentiel pour nous permettre de lutter contre le statu quo et de créer un avenir meilleur.

Political Donations and Tax Deductions
Les déductions fiscales des dons politiques

Contribution AmountTax ReceiptMontant de la contributionReçu fiscal
$200 or less75% of your contribution200$ ou moins75% de votre contribution
$200 to $550$150 PLUS 50% of the excessEntre 200$ et 550$150$ plus 50% de l’excédent
$550 to $1,075$325 PLUS 33.3% of the excessEntre 550$ et 1,075$325$ plus 33.3% de l’excédent
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Donor's Name
Donor's Mailing Address
Tax Benefits: Donors will receive a substantial tax credit of $200 from a $300 donation. Making the total cost to the donor $100 with a gift given to the donor at a much higher value of $280!! This strategy leverages the tax system to make donations more appealing by offering immediate value (the gift) plus the future benefit of a tax return. It’s a form of incentivized political donation where the donor receives a direct, tangible benefit, and the party gains financial support and potentially increased goodwill or membership.